2021 |
Pellicula, Håll. Galleri Ping Pong, Malmö |
2016 |
Cellar Hole, Belenius, Stockholm |
2016 |
Krognoshuset, Lund |
2015 |
In two, in two. In two, in two. Galleri Ping Pong, Malmö, Sweden |
2015 |
Jakob's Square, Belenius/Nordenhake, Stockholm, Sweden |
2013 |
In my imagination there are no images that correspond to what you're saying, Galleri Mors Mössa, Göteborg |
2013 |
Passer Composer, CEO Gallery, Malmö |
2012 |
Aperture, Arnstedt, Östra Karup |
2011 |
Advokatbyrå Vinge, Malmö |
2011 |
Galleri Ping-Pong, Malmö |
2009 |
Kulisserna, Malmö Konsthall, Malmö |
2009 |
Synrand, Landskrona Konsthall, Landskrona, I samarbete med Patrik Aarnivaara. |
2008 |
There is no mirror over the fireplace. It is a painting: a landscape, I think... a snow scene. The mirror is over the chest of drawers... There’s a mirror on the dressing table too. Examensutställning, KHM, Malmö |
2006 |
Landskap måleri, Pictura, Lund |
2024 |
Krognoshuset, Lund |
2024 |
Växtlighet, Arnstedt, Ö Karup |
2024 |
Krona, Romsdalsmuseet, Molde, Norge |
2024 |
Galleri Thomas Wallner, Simris |
2022 |
End of History?, Galerie Nordenhake, Stockholm |
2021 |
Highly Toxic, Digitaliseum, Malmö |
2020 |
Arnstedt, Ö Karup |
2020 |
Polyfoni 5, Galleri Thomas Wallner, Simris |
2018 |
Arnstedt, Ö Karup |
2018 |
Aura 90!, Krognoshuset, Lund |
2018 |
Malmö – So There, Galleri Thomas Wallner, Simris |
2017 |
If You Don't Like Art..., Vestfossen Kunstlaboratorium, Vestfossen, Norge |
2017 |
På Annan Plats, Ystad Konstmuseum, Ystad |
2017 |
Polyfoni Final, Galleri Thomas Wallner, Simris |
2016 |
Painting Failures, Moderna Museet, Malmö |
2015 |
Polyfoni 3, Galleri Thomas Wallner, Simris |
2014 |
Arnstedt, Ö Karup, Sweden |
2013 |
Former i tillblivelse, Lunds Konsthall, Lund |
2013 |
Edstrandska stiftelsens Stipendiater 2013, KHM, Malmö |
2013 |
Magnum Samlung, Arnstedt, Ö Karup, Sweden |
2013 |
Paint / Image / Bild / Farbe, Galerie Nordenhake, Berlin, Tyskland |
2012 |
It’s Not the Title Because it Doesn’t Make Sense Anymore, Oslo Kunstforening, Oslo |
2012 |
Realismus ist kein Stil, Signal - Center för samtidskonst, Malmö |
2010 |
Modernautställningen, Moderna Museet, Stockholm |
2009 |
Marabouparken, Sundbyberg |
2009 |
Blank/Mantle & An “A” Surrounded by a Circle, Landings, Vestfossen, Norge |
2009 |
Arnstedt, Östra Karup |
2009 |
On the Six-cornered Snowflake; 0047, Oslo |
2009 |
Forårsudstillingen, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Köpenhamn |
2009 |
Unten Drunter #18, Supermarket, Stockholm |
2008 |
At, by, for, into, around the house. Pavilhão 28, Lissabon, Portugal |
2007 |
Abstrakt 1a, Co-Lab, Köpenhamn |
2007 |
Malmö-Oslo, 21:25, Oslo |
2006 |
En öppen stad..., Konsthall C, Stockholm |